Our Thanks to You!

As we prepare for the holiday season, we want to express our honor in your partnership to build a positive, empowering, engaging, and quality learning environment for our students.

In the past month of this school year, so many amazing things have happened in our building: 

🖐🏽Family engagement has increased by 25%.

🖐🏻Community leaders have visited our school during our weekly Career Based intervention on Thursdays.

🖐🏿Community engagement has inspired leaders to visit our school to share their experiences building a business and how to obtain workforce development skills.

🖐🏼We have partnered with Lead The Way Academy and Ultimate Health Care Solutions to offer career programs as pathways to graduation.

We are excited for the rest of the school year as we continue to increase family, academic, and community engagement to build milestones and take positive steps toward our yearly school goals.

The staff at BGHS would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday!


BGCS Wonderland


Thanksgiving and Holiday Meal Programs